Hexo + NexT Tips: Simplified Custom Pages Config that Doesn't Break Things

Regular custom pages

NexT documentation suggests creating a directory for each page and putting the content in the index.md file under it:

# _config.next.yml
page: /page/

The directory structure looks like:

└── hexo-site/
├── source/
│ ├── _posts/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── page/
│ └── index.md
└── ...

With this setting, both leading and trailing slashes in _config.next/yml are optional.

A more elegant way to achieve the same behavior is:

└── hexo-site/
├── source/
│ ├── _posts/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── page.md
└── ...

There's no need for subdirectory and index.md; simply put page.md under the source directory. The configuration in _config.next.yml stays the same.

Custom pages with header tabs

NexT Docs achieves a two-level header tabs style with the following configuration:

# _config.next.yml
home: / || fa fa-bell
default: /docs/ || fa fa-book
Getting Started:
default: /getting-started/ || fa fa-flag
Installation: /installation.html || fa fa-download
Deployment: /deployment.html || fa fa-upload
# ...
Theme Settings:
default: /theme-settings/ || fa fa-star
# ...
# ...

The directory structure looks like this:

└── theme-next-docs/
├── source/
│ ├── _posts/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── docs/
│ ├── getting-started/
│ │ ├── index.md
│ │ ├── installation.md
│ │ ├── deployment.md
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── theme-settings/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
└── ...

Apparently the authors used path of generated .html files in the public directory to access the tabs. The annoyance of having several subdirectories with only index.md inside arises again when we only need a single level of header tabs. A more elegant configuration is as follows:

# _config.next.yml
home: / || fa fa-bell
default: /docs/
Getting Started: getting-started || fa fa-flag
Theme Settings: theme-settings || fa fa-star
# ...

The directory structure looks like this:

└── theme-next-docs/
├── source/
│ ├── _posts/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── docs/
│ ├── index.md
│ ├── getting-started.md
│ ├── theme-settings.md
│ └── ...
└── ...

Suffix the path with .html is still needed if you want to keep the header on top!

Note that in this scenario, both leading and trailing slashes are needed in the default: path for the header tabs to be loaded.