Samuel Huang's Portfolio


Hello, I'm Samuel Huang!

I'm a Full-Stack Software Engineer, Project Manager, and an Entrepreneur. I'm also a Tenor, Piano Player, and a Productivity Enthusiast. My experience spans integrated circuits, software engineering, tech consulting, and startup advising.

Posts Resume


  • I am developing a new version of website for posts from my college alumni, using Vue.js. (Ongoing)
  • I am developing a full-stack web app that gathers information from job seekers via a WhatsApp chatbot and enables recruiters to filter and select the candidates they need. -- We were selected to be one of the top 3 startups in a pitch competition at Princeton! (Ongoing)
  • I built a React web app to visualize the 64 Chinese hexagrams. (2024)
  • I conducted data analysis and built a dashboard for the biggest RV company in the world. (2024)
  • I wrote a compiler with C from scratch. (2023)
  • I helped open a branch in China for a global business. (2024)
  • I wrote a matrix arithmetics library with Python. (2020)


Details of positions held


Organization Role
Computer Club (ACM Student Chapter) @ ND Interim President
Graduate Student Government @ ND Representative of CSE Dept.
Graduate Orientation (GO) Team @ ND Resource Fair Team Member
Notre Dame Chorale @ ND Tenor 1 & Webmaster
Python User Group @ SUSTech Founder & Moderator
School of Microelectronics @ SUSTech Student Body President
Feng Hua Emcee Team @ SUSTech Emcee


Full list of my courses

I love learning, even outside of campus! I’m always actively taking MOOCs in different areas, notably:


  • Learning, as mentioned above.

Classical Music

  • Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Mencius, Wang Yangming, and Zen Buddhism
  • Psychology
  • Productivity, see a list of my tools at Productivity, and this note I took.